October 10, 2019 0 Comments Family

Trust Yourself . . . You Know Your Kids Best!

From Gather As You Go

You know your child better than anyone, but sometimes you question yourself. My son had breathing issues when he got sick with croup. While in this instance his chest wasn’t rattling, I was concerned. Something just wasn’t right. I called the doctor’s office in the morning, and the pediatrician (one we saw less frequently) listened to my explanation of the situation, said he was not concerned, recommended I continue to keep an eye on my son, and told me to call the office the next morning if his symptoms worsened.

Be smart. My son was not ok and he ended up in the hospital at eleven P.M. His chest was so constricted you couldn’t even hear the crackles and his skin was tightening over his chest cavity—not good!

Trust that you know your child better than anyone else. Sometimes you just have to override the doctor. Or the teacher. Or the coach. Be polite and respectful, but be insistent when you need to.