March 25, 2019 0 Comments Leadership

Give Them Everything Needed

From Gather As You Go

So often I receive incomplete information when I have asked for something, and it drives me a little crazy. It just creates extra work. For instance: I ask someone to investigate ordering furniture for our new offices. They come to me with a recommendation that includes the furniture and the price. Okay, great. When can we get it? The answer is, “Oh, I forgot to ask.” Not good. When you are asked for just about anything, think about all the pieces and parts that may be needed, organize the information, and then present it. Coming up with a simple template on all the questions and using it for any number of things you investigate would be easy and effective.

  1. What is the cost?
  2. When will it be completed/delivered?
  3. Are there other options available (size, color, venues)?
  4. Will it meet all our needs? Are there negatives associated with this option?
  5. Is there a guarantee?
  6. When is the cancellation date?
  7. Do we need a deposit?
  8. Should photos be included?

I could go on and on. For many items, you would just write NA (not applicable), but something simple like this template helps you to get all the answers ready to go before you present something. And, by all means, know your audience. Typing up your findings is never a bad idea. If your boss is fine with just the conversation, that’s also acceptable but, goodness knows, it’s better to write it up anyway so you can file it away and track it later.