November 27, 2019 0 Comments Charity, Purpose, Celebrations and Home

Parties and Philanthropy

From Gather As You Go

In the past, I would drive myself crazy sending Christmas presents all over town. Now I have a large Christmas party and the theme is “Join us to welcome the season of giving.” We have a great open house complete with fun comfort food, magical décor, music, and wonderful people. When our guests arrive, they are given a card with a red ribbon attached. On that card are eight well-known Chicago charities. We ask that they fill out their names and choose a charity; we will then give a donation in their name to honor them and the season of giving. We also ask that they hang the card on our Giving Tree and, when they leave, take home a lovely wrapped package from under the tree. I no longer drive myself totally nuts with gifts all over town. Instead, we make a donation in everyone’s name and send them home with a pretty little favor. Charities benefit, and I save a ton of time. In the past, we have filled the tree with lovely over-the-top ornaments and people exchanged their card for an ornament. Gifts over the years have included everything from candles to a box of candy, a pewter frame, a set of cheese knives, coasters, and crystal trains. Make it easy on yourself while helping your community.