February 5, 2019 0 Comments Decor, Celebrations and Home

Turning Keepsakes Into Wearable Mementos

From Gather As You Go

Need ideas on what to do with older or inherited jewelry? Whether they are valuable pieces or costume jewelry that means something to you, consider creating new pieces from the old if you don’t wear them or they’re just not your style.

My mom left me a pretty ruby and diamond bracelet she received as a gift from my father years ago. Special memories indeed, but it just wasn’t “me”. Rather than tucked away, unseen in a jewelry box, I decided to have several pairs of earrings made from my mom’s bracelet. I gave them to special friends, who loved receiving a memento of my mom. Now we each have a pair of earrings to treasure, and I especially love seeing something of my mom’s worn and appreciated.

The possibilities are endless. Turn your dad or grandfather’s cuff links into earrings, or a tie clip into a barrette. Remake your aunt or grandmother’s brooch into the centerpiece of a necklace or the focal point on a multi-strand bracelet. Reset stones from a ring or earrings into a new piece for your daughter, niece or granddaughter’s sweet sixteen birthday, graduation or wedding.

The possibilities are endless. And the memories priceless!