September 5, 2019 0 Comments Family, Life

Why the PTO Social Committee Was Not For Me

From Gather As You Go

Let me start this story by sharing how much respect I have for the devoted moms and dads who dedicate hours to enhancing the school experience for students and teachers through their involvement in the PTO.
When my kids were young, I wanted to do what most moms and dads want to do: I wanted to be supportive of my children’s school. So, I took my party planning talents and joined the PTO social committee. For ninety minutes, seven highly qualified parents debated over the centerpiece for the ice cream social. It was one of the more frustrating meetings I have ever attended. But it taught me a few important things:

1. Volunteer at school in a way where my talents could be felt—but do it in a way that makes good use of my time.

2. When asking smart people to join a board or a committee, give them responsibility and let them do their thing.  How bad could that ice cream social centerpiece have been if any one of us was solely in charge?

3. Always ask yourself, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?” or “Am I having fun yet?”

So instead, I decided to be a room mom as often as I could (count that as nine times over my kids’ school years)—and all the decisions were mine! I loved being involved in my kids’ classrooms and felt like I could use my skills to make a meaningful impact.