Gather as You Go
Gather as You Go


How to give 300+ mini-gifts?

Give Gather As You Go – it covers lessons learned about: life, leadership, purpose, family, the toughest of times, celebrations and more.


Excelling in leadership is a life-long pursuit. It requires accountability to oneself, to others, and to our business (and life) endeavors. Our leadership wisdoms are founded in practical work experiences, honesty, positive communication, and empowering others.

Why Did I Write This Book

I have had a ton of experiences; I believe I’ve had more experiences of different kinds than a lot of people have. Good things have happened, as well as a bunch of rough stuff, and there are lessons to be learned from each. If I share these “wisdoms,” maybe I can help other people. A lot of the concepts in this book are mine and originated with me; but many are also things I have heard along the way and thought were so smart that I incorporated them into my life and my thinking...Read More

When You Can’t Get Through the Front Door

People ask me all the time how they can they get hired. They can’t even get an answer to their letter. This is not unusual. Read More

Hiring – When It Pays to be Persistent

We were searching for a new head of research for Alberto Culver and met with a gentleman who had all the qualifications we were seeking. Read More

Give Them Everything Needed

So often I receive incomplete information when I have asked for something, and it drives me a little crazy. It just creates extra work. For Read More

Accentuate the Positive

It’s hard to believe, but it takes seven positive statements to counter one negative.  I heard that early in my career in business, and I Read More

The Important vs. The Critical

We all are incredibly busy. Days fly by. There is so much on your to-do list that some days you just can’t breathe, and you Read More

When a Young Person Starts a New Job

The first few weeks at your first “real” job can cause anxiety. Making the transition to the professional world is a big one. Here are Read More