August 21, 2019 0 Comments Culture, Leadership

It’s Always About the Quality of the Team

From Gather As You Go

You have heard it so many times: replace people who are not making it, sooner rather than later. I have (and have had) relatives who would get upset with people who worked for them and kept trying to get them to up their game—again and again and again. I would so much rather evaluate someone fairly (using measurements that have been agreed to) and then frankly “hug them” and help them find another job. You can teach skills. You cannot teach work ethic; people either have it or they don’t by the time they reach the workforce. You can seldom change attitudes.

Great people with great attitudes can fill many roles. Your business will change, and your goals will need to change. When you have a really strong team, you can conquer all sorts of issues. Don’t settle. Seek excellence.